It has been a great month here at Blackberries, the little explorers have been very busy learning all about their natural environments and how these have been changing as the weather changes. The children have all been enjoying the sunshine practicing their sun safety, wearing hats and applying sun cream. The children have been learning all about the effects the weather has on the environment and world around them this month.

UTW; The world: “Notices detailed features of objects in their environment” (22-36)

This month the children across all three settings have been taking part in the 30-Day Wild challenge. All children have been learning fun and interesting things about their environment by carrying out daily challenges. These have included, cloud watching, bare feet exploring and flower hunts. The children have learned the name of the flowers they found and used mathematical language of shapes when looking at clouds.
UTW; The world: “Shows care and concern for living things and the environment” (30-50)
This month the Blackberries explorer’s have experienced a large range of weathers and have been able to explore the effects these have on the environment around them. The children have been learning about how the sunshine helps the plants grow and how then they do not get water, so they need to water them. While also exploring how the rain makes the mud go soft and makes big puddles to jump in. The classes then learnt about how the rain is watering their plants for them.

CL; Speaking: “Questions why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what, when, how” (30-50)
This month the children have took on the role of being the Blackberries gardeners, as classes they have planted new plants and even some yummy vegetables. The children have been working together to ensure the plants and crops are well watered and are getting plenty of sunshine. The children have taken it in turns to water their plants in their gardens and have spoken about how the plants change as they grow, such as colours, shapes and sizes. It has been great fun watching them grow.

UTW; The World: “Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time” (30-50)
Some of the younger children have been exploring bugs and minibeasts in their forest school sessions, and they have been learning the names of the bugs and how these bugs live in the environment around them. The children have played eye spy and have used team work to carry out their own bug hunts to see how many they could find.

CL; Speaking: “Beginning to ask simple questions” (16-26)
This month we would love for you to have some forest school themed fun at home, below is an activity that you could take part in with your little forester in your own gardens or at your local nature area/Park, all you need is a circle cut out piece of the cardboard, some glue and then some flowers or leaves. Put it all together to make your own forest face.

Remember to send in pictures of your finished product and your fun exploring.
Happy Foresting