Blackberry House Day Nursery Logo

Throughout December, the children have enjoyed using the Forest School area, they have been exploring the weather, through walking through the frosty leaves, to watching the ice melt, that was formed through puddles.


They made natural Christmas decorations and decorated the tree in the forest school and the tree for the Christmas Tree Festival at the church, which had a Forest School theme, to show some of the activities the children had been doing during their Forest School sessions. They made sparkly pine cones, dried oranges, wooden decorations and feather baubles and homemade gingerbread stars.

A group of our Pre-schoolers took a trip out to decorate the tree in the church, carefully hanging the ornaments on the tree and with the festive fragrances of the oranges and the gingerbread, the children were pleased with their efforts.

All age groups of children have accessed the Forest School, exploring nature, looking at the birds nest, climbing the trees, building dens, gathering leaves and sticks to create Nature collages.

During their last session, the children were offered a treat of hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows and gingerbread men biscuits.

Fun Facts: 70% of the world’s animals depends on forests for their homes.

EYFS links:

Understanding the World: The world 22-36mths Notices detailed features of objects in their environment.

Understanding the World: 30-50mths Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, natural and found objects.

Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using media and materials 40-60mths Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.


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