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February Newsletter 2022

by Mar 3, 2022News0 comments

We have had a fantastic month with the children enjoying their learning opportunities and exploring the indoor and outdoor environments.

The children’s focus this month has been a story called First Day at Bug School. The children enjoyed being out in the nature garden and exploring the different environments to try and find a range of bugs. They have used magnifying glasses and binoculars to find them. The children have also been looking for a variety of birds from our bird tower, while joining in with the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch. Big Garden Birdwatch helps us monitor how garden birds are faring. Shockingly, we’ve lost 38 million birds from UK skies in the last 50 years, so it really is vital we do all we can to look after our birdlife.

Celebrations took place for Valentine’s Day, which were referred to as ‘love day’. The children created some beautiful salt dough tea light love hearts, to share with their family and friends.

recycling week 1
June Group picture
June website Toddler 5
June Group picture
recycling week 1
June Group picture
recycling week 1
June Group picture
June website Toddler 5

Physical Development

Use large and small motor skills to do things independently, for example manage buttons and zips.  


Communication and Language

Copy gestures or words

Understanding the World

Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.

Our Baby units have had lots of educational fun exploring the farm animals, using them within a variety of different sensory activities such as gloop, cereal and jelly. The outdoor environment has been enjoyed and the children have taken part in forest school sessions collecting mud and sticks and making mud pictures. They’ve also been learning about the weather such as, rain, wind, sun, and the sky while outdoors.

The babies also enjoyed looking at different building machinery and how they can build towers and structures using different material and textures.

June Baby 2
June Baby 1
June Baby 2
June Baby 1
June Baby 2

Personal, Social and Emotional

Develop friendships with other children


Combine objects like stacking blocks and cups. Put objects inside others and take them out again.


Enjoys sharing books with an adult

Physical Development

Explore different materials and tools

Our Toddler units have enjoyed reading the book The Gruffalo and have re-told the story using puppets and pictures from the book. Great fun was had making Gruffalo crumble in our Little Chefs session, where the children learnt how to measure their ingredients and excitement was built as all the children had the chance to taste their crumble at snack time.

The Toddlers have also enjoyed the forest school collecting leaves and sticks to make their own pictures using the natural resources. Following on from this, our Toddler units have also been using different materials to build towers and structures. They have used different components to stick the blocks together to see which worked best.

Colour and animal recognition has also been an interest to our Toddler units and the children have been expressing themselves through animal creative play, using animal sounds and understanding the animal habitats. There has been lots of roaring like lions and hissing like snakes.

June Pre-School 5
June Pre-School 4
June Baby 2
June Pre-School 4
June Baby 1


Have favourite books and seek them out, to share with an adult, with another child, or to look at alone.


Compare amounts, saying ‘lots’, ‘more’ or ‘some’

Expressive Arts and Design

Start to make marks intentionally


Communication and Language

Copy your gesture and words

Our Pre-School units have been busy looking at literacy and letter of the month, where they have learnt how to distinguish capital and lower-case letters. The children have begun to write their names and used a variety of different mark making resources to practise copying letters and putting them in sequence to make small words such as cat and mat.

Maths has also been a focus, further extending the children’s understanding and knowledge of colours, shapes, and numbers. The children have enjoyed recognising shapes in their everyday environments and realising that shapes are all around us.

The children have explored the role play area dressing up as doctors and vets, using each other to practise bandages and looking at pictures of x rays. In the mark making area they have been making their own baker recipes and shopping lists. This led to conversation about what the children would like to be when they grow up.

June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1


Write some or all of their name

Understanding the World

Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary

Physical Development

Develop manipulation and control

Personal, Social and Emotional

Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary

Expressive Arts and Design

Join different materials together and explore different textures.


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