Peterborough Nursery July 2020

Peterborough Nursery July 2020

Our under two children have been exploring reflective and water play. The babies have enjoyed looking at their reflections with the adults helping to develop language by talking about their facial features “Nose” “Eyes”. They have then enjoyed the reflective play in...
Peterborough Nursery June 2020

Peterborough Nursery June 2020

June has flown by with so much fun had with all the children who returned in phase one, it has been lovely to see you all again. We have had a complete mix of weather which has been lots of fun to explore, even in the rain we have enjoyed jumping and splashing in the...
Peterborough Nursery May 2020

Peterborough Nursery May 2020

This month we welcomed back some of our children! The children were really excited to return back to nursery and enjoyed taking part in different nursery activities! We was all very excited to be reunited with each other. We have continued with the children’s interest...