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Blackberries Big Toddle Peterborough

by Sep 1, 2015News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Blackberries has been taking part in the UK’s biggest charity event for under 5s.
We held a short walk and had a teddy bear’s picnic event for the children and families to raise money for the most vulnerable children in the UK. The theme of the Toddler this year was pirates!

Baby Unit
We loved joining in with the treasure hunt, searching and digging up the chocolate coins and then eating them up afterwards, yummy! Followed by some messy activities, we then finger painted some parrot pictures ready for our new pirate display and made telescopes by rolling the cardboard tubes in a tray of paint.

Little Toddlers
We had a fantastic time decorating some biscuits, getting rather messy! We also had a treasure hunt in our sand tray! Out in the garden we had lots of activities to take part in. Take a look at our

Big Toddlers and Pre-School
We had lots of fun being Pirates for the day!! We had our very own 3D boat which our parrots liked to sit on the edge and watch us…
We hunted for treasure all around our setting, finding lots of gold coins and jewellery in the outdoor area and in the creative area.
We also hunted in our Lucky dip chest and found even more treasure
We enjoyed making our very own pirate biscuits, which we decorated with icing pens of red, blue, green and yellow. As well as decorating several pictures of pirates, ships, masks, parrots and mermaids.

Blackberry House Day Nursery Peterborough raised a total of £ £548.50!

Thank you to all our families for your support!


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