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April Newsletter 2022

by Apr 29, 2022News0 comments

A fantastic month here at Blackberries with the children taking part in a range of educational learning opportunities both inside and outside the setting. The children have been learning about different historical approaches surrounding Easter and what it represents, then prepared for a visit from the Easter bunny. The children have also been making bunny ears, decorating eggs, making clay Easter crafts and other sensory activities.

Our Easter event took place on 13th April 2022, which was a huge success where the children could go on an Easter egg hunt around the garden. The children were able to share this experience with their parents or family members and we would like to thank all those that attended to make the event so special.

recycling week 1
June Group picture
June website Toddler 5
June Group picture
recycling week 1
June Group picture
recycling week 1

The Baby unit have enjoyed exploring lots of sensory activities based around Easter and Spring which has encouraged developing the children’s fine and gross motor skills. Activities include finding eggs in the shredded paper, creating Easter pictures and oat play where the children were able to find farm animals.

The children have also enjoyed singing some of their favourite nursery rhymes such as ‘row row row your boat’ and ‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive’. This will develop the baby’s language and communication skills.

The children have been watching the birds as they fly through the garden and were fascinated when the birds landed on our very own bird tables to eat the bird seeds. There has also been lots of explorative play in the nature garden, listening for all different noises.


Communication and Language

Constantly babble and use single words during play

Physical Development

Pull themselves upright and bouncing in preparation for walking 

Expressive Arts and Design

Start to make marks intentionally

Personal, Social and Emotional

Engage with others through gesture, gaze and talk

June Baby 2
June Baby 1
June Baby 2
June Baby 1
June Baby 2
June Baby 1
June Baby 2

Our Toddler units have also taken a keen interest in Spring and Easter having great fun with a wide range of activities. They enjoyed exploring sensory trays which included rice, grass, bark and little characters to do with Easter.

The children have also enjoyed spending time outdoors looking for ladybirds, worms and caterpillars. The children participated in a group activity looking at the Hungry Caterpillar book and learning about the lifecycle of the caterpillar and then searching for butterflies within the nature garden and forest areas.

In our Little Chefs Cookery Club, the children have made chick biscuits and decorated these using icing sugar and googly eyes. Following on from this activity the children had great fun doing impressions of chickens around the room. While making these the children developed their mathematical language as they added ingredients and measured quantities.


Enjoys sharing books with an adult


Compare amounts saying ‘lots’ ‘more’ or ‘some’

Personal, Social and Emotional

Be increasingly able to talk and manage their emotions

Understanding the World

Use their senses in hands on exploration of natural materials

June Pre-School 5
June Pre-School 4
June Baby 2
June Pre-School 4
June Pre-School 4
June Pre-School 4
June Baby 1

Our Pre-School units have focused on Easter and Spring activities. For Easter the children made a large eggs and decorated them with different coloured resources, making marks on each egg using shaving foam and creating what is known as the marbling effect. The children have also taken part in a mini sports day in the garden with sack races and egg and spoon races which developed their gross motor skills as they jumped, hopped, and held the egg and spoon steadily.

The children have enjoyed the bright Spring Sunshine in our very own nature gardens exploring and collecting natural resources to put in the water tray to make ice. They have also been looking for insects in the forest and took photos of these to create their own artwork. Following on from these activities the children have used mathematics to count the spots on the ladybirds and legs on the spiders.

As an extended activity the children enjoyed investigating the different patterns that the insects have presented and have developed their vocabulary as they have learnt some new descriptive words. While outdoors the children have also been learning about the life cycle of plants, digging to plant each new flower or vegetable and then watering them, exposing each plant to the correct amounts of sunlight and shade throughout the day. The children have then observed as they grow.


Communication and Language

Use a wider range of vocabulary


Link numerals and amounts: for example, showing the right amount of objects to match the numeral, up to 5. 

Expressive Arts and Design

Join different materials together and explore the different textures

Understanding the World

Talk about what they see

June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1
June Baby 1


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